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What is the Distributed Collective project?

We are a distributed group of technologists, educators, bitcoiners, health professionals and more who all share a belief in sovereign responsibility and self reliance. Our goal is to promote grassroots collaboration between people by leveraging distributed technologies such as the internet, Bitcoin and 3D printing, without having to rely on governments.

Is the Block-19 a respirator or a surgical mask?

Respirators are designed to help reduce the wearer’s exposure to airborne particles. The primary purpose of a surgical mask is to help prevent biological particles (e.g. bacteria and viruses) from being expelled by the wearer into the environment. Surgical masks are not necessarily designed to seal tightly to the face, so air might leak around the edges. Many surgical masks are also designed to be fluid-resistant to splash and splatter of blood and other bodily fluids. Surgical masks may be provided to patients by healthcare organizations to help protect healthcare workers and other patients from particles being introduced into the room as a patient talks, sneezes or coughs. Some respirators are designed to have the characteristics of both a respirator and a surgical mask. This is the case with the Block-19 mask, even though it is important to note that this design has not been approved by NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) but it has been rigorously tested to provide the benefits of both respirators and masks. 

How do respirators/masks reduce the risks associated with COVID-19 infection?

Respirators and masks protect you and those around you. They have played a significant role is delaying the spread of COVID-19 (flattening the curve). You can read more here.

Who will manufacture the Block-19 Respirator?

Once we receive your donation, we will submit your order to our network of manufacturers who will then print your Block-19 and send it directly to you. Any manufacturer who is able to 3D print the Block-19 masks according to our specifications can join our network. For more information please see here.

Who decides how the donated funds are used?

You do! Once you make a donation, you will not only receive the Block-19 respirator, but you will also receive an NFT (non-fungible token) that runs on the RSK blockchain. You can then use this token to vote on how the donated funds are dispersed. All the funds and donations will be publicly auditable and viewable on the blockchain.

What is rsk?

rsk is sidechain built for the Bitcoin blockchain. This means that rsk uses Bitcoin’s native currency – bitcoin. rsk provides the ability to build applications on top of Bitcoin for multiple different use case, including the tracking and disbursement of donations in a transparent way.

Why are we using the rsk blockchain.

The Block-19 respirators give every individual a way to protect themselves and those around them. They are an expression of self reliance without having to depend on governments to protect or serve their citizens in times of crisis. This is similar to the self reliance exhibited by bitcoiners, who seek to limit their dependance on governments and financial institutions. We believe there is a strong connection between self sovereign money and self sovereign health.